Record Search

Peaceful Tree Scene

This search is a search designed to allow you to find an individual record by name or case number. The records here contain information pertaining to common pleas, felony criminal cases, domestic relations, civil court cases, court of appeals, certificate of judgements, county courts traffic and criminal.

Civil Protection Orders and Civil Stalking Protection Orders dockets are not available online and you will need to contact 419-334-6161 for assistance.

Search Form

Last Name/Company
First Name
Date Range
Case Number

Enter a last name along with an optional first name to search for.
Enter a date range with a starting and ending date in the format of mm/dd/yyyy.
You can optionally enter a last name first name combination along with a date range.
Enter a case number. The case number starts with the year the case was filed followed by CR and then the case number. You can enter partial case numbers as well. Ex. entering '99' for the case number will show you all the CR cases form 1999